Swimming Pool

The following criteria must be met for a HOA Member to use the Pool & Pool Cabana:


The safety and enjoyment of the Members of the community are of primary concern in the operation of our pool area. If we show courtesy and consideration for others in use of the pool, only a minimum of rules and guidelines should be needed for everyone to safely enjoy themselves. All patrons of the recreational facilities at Forest Ridge are required to follow and comply with current rules, regulations and guidelines and to avoid any activity that interferes with the enjoyment of others while at or using the recreational facilities.


Pool Access and Key Cards

Please remember, you will ALWAYS need your pool key card to enter the pool area. The pool gates are not to be left open at any time and should NEVER be propped or chained open. Pool key cards are available to Association members in good standing from Management. If a pool key card is lost, please report this to Spectrum immediately. Arrangements can be made for a replacement card. Once issued, pool key cards cannot be returned for a refund. The cost for the first card is $30.00, each additional card is $30.00 and replacement cards are $30.00. For more information about the pool key cards, please contact Management at 210-494-0659.

Pool Info Sheet

Schedule & Hours of Operation

Pool Hours: 6:00 am - 10:00 pm 

The Association reserves the right to close the pool, without notice, for emergencies, weather or repair purposes.

Use of Pools is at Your Own Risk

There is NO LIFEGUARD or POOL MONITORS at the pool. POOL PATRONS SWIM IN AND USE THE ASSOCIATION’S POOL AT THEIR OWN RISK. Parents/adults are ALWAYS responsible to remain at the pool with and supervise their children/youth under the age of 18 years of age and any guests, and are responsible to insure that family members and guests know and follow pool rules, regulations and guidelines. The Forest Ridge Owners Association and Management, LP are not responsible for accidents or injuries to or by pool patrons while at or using the pools, or the loss or theft of or damage to personal property brought or left at the pools or parking lots by a pool patron. Pool patrons have the primary responsibility for their own safety and the safety of their family and accompanied guests at the Association’s recreational facilities.



The Association retains the right to revoke privileges to the pool for any Member, their family or guests causing an unsafe or unpleasant environment. Each member has a responsibility to report any incident involving another HOA Member, their family or guests using the pool that creates an unsafe or unpleasant environment. The report should be made to the Management office at (210) 494-0659.

Only HOA Members in good standing, their tenants, and their accompanied guests are permitted to use the pool and pool area. A homeowner with an account 90-days delinquent will have their pool access card deactivated until their account is brought into current status.

The Association is not responsible for lost or missing articles. Please leave your valuables at home.

Pool Contact



Pool Party Policy and Registration Form

Pool Rules and Regulations

Please report injuries, accidents or incidents that occur at the pool to the Association Management at (210) 494-0659. 

Pool access is limited to approved operating hours/days. No business ventures are allowed - e.g. swim lessons. Pool users involved in repeated rule violations, vandalism or the abuse, or damage to pool facilities may be excluded or removed from the pools and may be subject to criminal charges as well as the suspension of Association membership privileges.

Guest Policy

No business ventures can take place on HOA Common Areas, to include the community pool, cabana. playground, streets, and nature and walking trails. Any non-profit or not-for-profit business that wishes to conduct business on HOA Common Area must request permission from the Board of Directors at least 60 days in advance (Article 2.1.1 of the CC&Rs).

The Association administrator, with the approval of the Board of Directors, may amend or change these rules at any time without any notice. Property and pool are owned by the Forest Ridge Owners Association, Inc.